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ModernMT Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from ModernMT

What is ModernMT?

A more human machine translation

How to use ModernMT?

Access ModernMT through API or plugin with a license

What languages do you support?

ModernMT supports 200 languages.

What makes ModernMT different from other systems?

ModernMT can translate at the document-level and learn from human corrections.

How can you make this quality so affordable?

ModernMT is more efficient and leverages unused infrastructure.

What is the difference between ModernMT and Google Translate / DeepL?

ModernMT adapts to client terminology and understands the context of the document.

What is the difference between ModernMT and Google AutoML / Microsoft Translator HUB?

ModernMT can translate at the document-level and learn in real-time from human corrections.

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